Haryana Ration Card Download Link 2024

Haryana Ration Card Download Link 2024

The Haryana Ration Card 2024 initiative by the Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department is designed to provide essential commodities at subsidized rates to eligible families. The ration cards are categorized based on the economic status of households, including Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY), Below Poverty Line (BPL), and Above Poverty Line (APL) cards. These cards serve as a critical tool for ensuring food security for economically disadvantaged and vulnerable sections of society.

Each category of the ration card comes with distinct benefits, such as affordable access to food grains like wheat, rice, and other essentials. Eligible families can apply online or download their ration cards conveniently through official links. The initiative aims to uplift families below the poverty line and ensure equitable distribution of resources, fostering a more inclusive welfare system.

Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Dept, Haryana

Haryana BPL Ration Card Download 2024

Short Details of Haryana Ration Card


Haryana Ration Card Categories
लाभार्थी की श्रेणीराशन कार्ड का रंग
गरीबी रेखा से ऊपरहरा
स्टेट गरीबी रेखा से नीचेपीला
सेंट्रल गरीबी रेखा से नीचेपीला
अंत्योदय अन्न योजनागुलाबी
अदर प्रायोरिटी हाउसहोल्डखाकी
AAY Haryana Ration Card 
Haryana AAY Ration Card (Antyodaya Anna Yojana) – हरियाणा एएवाई राशन कार्ड उन परिवारों का बनाया जाता है जो सबसे गरीब होते हैं l ऐसे परिवार जिनके घर में किसी भी व्यक्ति की निश्चित आय ना हो या फिर घर में कोई कमाने वाला ही ना हो ऐसी स्थिति में उस परिवार का गुलाबी रंग का राशन कार्ड बनाया जाता है जिसका नाम हरियाणा एमवाई राशन कार्ड है l ऐसे राशन कार्ड धारकों को 35 किलो तक राशन बहुत ही सस्ते मूल्य पर दिया जाता है l
BPL Haryana Ration Card 
Haryana BPL Ration Card (Below Poverty line) – हरियाणा के ऐसे परिवार जिनकी वार्षिक आय ₹10000 तक है और यह परिवार गरीबी रेखा से नीचे अपना जीवन जी रहे हैं ,वह बीपीएल राशन कार्ड बनवा सकते हैं l जिन परिवारों का बीपीएल राशन कार्ड बनाया जाता है उन्हें हर महीने 25 किलो तक राशन बिल्कुल सस्ते मूल्य पर दिया जाता है l
APL Haryana Ration Card 
Haryana APL Ration Card (Above Poverty line) – हरियाणा के ऐसे परिवार जो गरीबी रेखा से ऊपर आते हैं और जिनके घर में आर्थिक तंगी नहीं है वह अपना एपीएल राशन कार्ड (Above Poverty line) बनवा सकते हैं l एपीएल राशन कार्ड बनवाने के लिए परिवार की वार्षिक आय ₹100000 से अधिक नहीं होनी चाहिए l ऐसे राशन कार्ड धारकों को 15 किलो तक राशन बहुत ही कम मूल्य पर दिया जाता है l
Document for Ration Card
परिवार के सभी सदस्यों का आधार कार्डRecent passport size and family group photographनिवास प्रमाण पत्र, Gas Connection, Previous Electricity Billsवैलिड फोन नंबरआय प्रमाण पत्रहरियाणा का निवास प्रमाण पत्र l
Haryana Ration Card Important Links
Content TypeContent Link
Download Ration CardClick Here
Ration Card StatusClick Here
Card Exclusion ReasonClick Here
Your Village ListClick Here
Your District ListClick Here
Official WebsiteClick Here

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

1. What are the types of ration cards available in Haryana?
Haryana offers three main types of ration cards:

  • AAY (Antyodaya Anna Yojana): For the poorest families, offering up to 35 kg of ration.
  • BPL (Below Poverty Line): For families with an annual income of up to ₹10,000, providing up to 25 kg of ration.
  • APL (Above Poverty Line): For families with an annual income not exceeding ₹1,00,000, providing up to 15 kg of ration.

2. What documents are required to apply for a Haryana ration card?
Applicants need the following documents:

  • Aadhaar cards of all family members
  • Passport-size photographs (individual and group)
  • Address proof (residence certificate, gas connection, electricity bills)
  • Income certificate
  • Valid phone number

3. How can I check the status of my Haryana ration card application?
You can check the status of your ration card application on the official website by clicking the “Ration Card Status” link and entering your application or family details.

4. What is the purpose of the Parivar Pehchaan Patra for a ration card?
The Parivar Pehchaan Patra (PPP) is essential for identifying and verifying family details, streamlining the ration card application and benefits distribution process.

5. Can ration cards be updated or reissued if lost?
Yes, ration cards can be updated for changes such as address or family details. If lost, you can apply for a reissue via the official website.


The Haryana Ration Card 2024 program is a cornerstone of the state’s welfare policies, ensuring access to essential commodities for all eligible households. With streamlined online processes for application, download, and status checks, the initiative empowers families with affordable food security. By promoting equitable resource distribution, the program contributes to reducing poverty and enhancing the quality of life for Haryana’s residents.

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