HKRN Score Card Download Link 2024

HKRN Score Card Download Link 2024

The Haryana Kaushal Rojgar Nigam (HKRN) has provided an essential platform for individuals seeking employment opportunities within Haryana, including a variety of district-wise recruitments. The HKRN Score Card for 2024 is a critical document that reflects the performance of candidates based on various criteria like family income, age, additional skills, and qualifications. Candidates who have appeared for the Common Eligibility Test (CET) or other recruitment processes can now access their scorecards through the official HKRN portal. This scorecard is a crucial step in the selection process, which also includes the assessment of socio-economic factors and work experience.

The scorecard download is available for candidates across different district zones in Haryana, including Category I, II, and III zones. Each candidate’s score is determined based on a combination of factors, including age, family income, and their CET scores. Understanding your scorecard is essential for determining eligibility and the next steps in the recruitment process, which varies depending on district location and category.

Haryana Kaushal Rojgar Nigam (HKRN)

HKRN Score Card Download 2024

Short Details of HKRN Score Card


Selection Criteria for HKRN Recruitments
Weightage on the basis of Annual Family Income40
Weightage of Age of the Candidates10
Additional Skill Qualification05
Additional Higher Qualification05
Weightage of Socio-Economic Criteria10
Weightage of Common Eligibility Test (CET) Score 10
Ease of Deployment10
Pre-State Government Experience10
District Zone Wise Category
CategoryDistrict Name
Category IGurugram, Faridabad, Panchkula And Sonipat.
Delhi And Chandigarh- In The Offices Under The Control Of The State Government Which Are Situated In Delhi Or Chandigarh.
Category IIPanipat, Jhajjar, Palwal, Karnal, Ambala, Hisar, Rohtak, Rewari, Kurukshetra, Kaithal, Yamunanagar, Bhiwani & Jind.
Category IIIMahendergarh, Fatehabad, Sirsa, Nuh And Charkhi Dadri.
Age Limit for HKRN Recruitments
Preference TypeAge Range
First Preference30-36 Years
Second Preference36-42 Years
Third Preference24-30 Years
Fourth Preference18-24 Years
Category Wise Salary
CategoryLevel ILevel IILevel IIILevel IV
Category I17,52020,59021,20022,420
Category II15,45018,51019,12020,350
Category III14,33017,39018,00019,230
HKRN Important link
Check Your Score CardClick Here
HKRN New VacancyClick Here
One Time RegistrationClick Here
 HKRN Official WebsiteClick Here

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

  1. What is the HKRN scorecard used for?
    The HKRN scorecard reflects the candidate’s performance in the recruitment process, based on various weightage factors like family income, age, qualification, and CET scores. It determines eligibility for specific job categories within Haryana.
  2. How can I download my HKRN scorecard?
    Candidates can download their scorecard through the official HKRN website. Simply click on the “Check Your Score Card” link provided on the portal to access and download the scorecard.
  3. What are the selection criteria for HKRN recruitment?
    The selection criteria include factors such as family income, age, socio-economic status, CET score, and additional skills or qualifications. These are used to calculate the final score for each candidate.
  4. What are the age preferences for HKRN recruitment?
    The age preferences for candidates are categorized as follows:
    • First Preference: 30-36 years
    • Second Preference: 36-42 years
    • Third Preference: 24-30 years
    • Fourth Preference: 18-24 years
  5. What are the salary categories for HKRN posts?
    The salary for different levels within the recruitment process varies by district zone and category. For Category I, salaries range from 17,520 to 22,420, while Category II salaries range from 15,450 to 20,350, and Category III from 14,330 to 19,230.


The HKRN Score Card for 2024 is an essential document for candidates applying for various posts within Haryana. The scorecard helps determine eligibility based on various criteria, including socio-economic status and CET performance. Candidates are encouraged to check their scorecard to understand their standing and proceed with the recruitment process accordingly. To stay updated with the latest vacancies, candidates can also visit the official HKRN website for further opportunities.

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